
PK 13/14

Added during the flowering phase Green Grow Lab 13/14 is a high grade mixture of phosphorus and potassium. Both phosphorus and potassium play a big role during the generative phase. Green Grow Lab 13/14 combines these elements in very high concentrations which allow the plant to absorb the nutrients directly and quickly.

Designed to provide the essential elements required to support the growth and blooming phases of your plants. 

P (Phosphorous) helps the plant with energy transfer and metabolism. It strengthens cell formation and is helpful in the flowering phase

K (Potassium) is essential for nutrition and transporting water (sieve vessels). It improves quality and rigidity. Controls other processes like sugar production, ensuring the plant can produce enough sugars during its flowering phase.


  • Shake bottle well before use.
  • Add 15ml Green Grow Lab PK 13/14 per 10 litre nutrient solution (1:666)
  • Use Green Grow Lab PK 13/14 from the moment the flower bud develops or at the onset of a fruitlet


Green Grow Lab PK 13/14
NPKS 0 – 6 – 11 – 0

Phosphorous soluble in water (P) 5.8%
Phosphorous pentoxide (P₄O₁₀) soluble in water 13.3%
Potassium (K) 11.9%
Potassium oxide (K20) 14.3%
All percentages in mass/volume